Sonica Raileanu

Sonica Raileanu

I was born on August 2, 1967, in a village in Romania. I am an economist, but at the age of 25, I realized that I didn’t fit into what I had learned during the communist era in my country, and that’s when my search began. In 1995, I discovered a different...
José Félix Romero

José Félix Romero

I begin by saying that I am the father of twin daughters, Maria and Anna. They are my driving force, my oxygen, and I mention this because they are decisive in my new journey. Regarding my professional life, I worked for over a decade as an Investment Director in...
Masha Schoultz

Masha Schoultz

I have been living in Spain for 17 years. I came here with hopes of creating a new life for myself and my children, with a strong belief that everything in life can be changed. Without knowledge of the language, with a visa for only 10 days, and $200 in my pocket,...
Antonio José Polo

Antonio José Polo

I’m from Barcelona, married, and a father of two children. I have been an entrepreneur my whole life in a family business that my father started over 30 years ago. But everything changed. In 2017, I came across an opportunity through one of my best friends,...
Jonatan Díaz

Jonatan Díaz

Jonatan Díaz es una persona extrovertida y muy inquieta desde su niñez. Siempre se ha preguntado el porqué de las cosas y siempre ha tenido una gran fuerza de superación. De bien joven el deporte le enseñó que, con disciplina, trabajo duro y con un gran sueño se...
Lucia Meizoso

Lucia Meizoso

Mi vida laboral comenzó a los 13 años. Tenía ansias de aportar valor, disfrutar y generar ingresos. A mis 15 años escuché sobre el negocio del Network Marketing. Poco a poco, este sistema, fue captando mi atención, ya fuese por la forma de generar ingresos o como las...