I was born in a small city in the Department of Valle del Cauca called Tuluá. I finished high school at a very young age and went to study Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Mines of the National University in Medellín, completely on a 100% scholarship!
Those were very tough moments because I was an immature and inexperienced young boy. I had never been away from my family, and for me, it was a total shock. I spent 2 years at that faculty and then transferred to the city of Bogotá, where my older brother was studying. There, I managed to finish my degree and obtained a job position with the authority that regulates air traffic in Colombia. I specialized in Air Navigation Aids and Microwave Communications.
I was sent as the chief technical engineer to Crespo International Airport in Cartagena. There, I gained valuable experience through mistakes and continuous learning. But I also went through a very difficult moment with a Collins 4WTF CW transmitter when, by accident, in a repair, in the year 1984, I touched with my left hand the 4 terminals of continuous voltage (DC) distribution that powered that equipment, where 18,400 volts converged.
I thank God that it was low-amperage direct current. It pushed me forcefully towards the equipment’s metal cabinet, creating an arc of electricity from my left hand to my right hand. It was terrifying, but it taught me a lot, and the best part is that it brought my ego down.
Some time later, I got married and moved to New York, and after being there for 3 months, I found myself in my first job: parking luxury cars in the basement of an apartment building. On March 28th at 7 AM, two men with low-frequency devices and guns robbed me. In a matter of seconds, I saw how my life could have ended, but thankfully it didn’t.
That intense experience made me question whether it was worth continuing what I was doing to earn money. It was then that, for the first time, someone known to my mother-in-law told us about the term Network Marketing.
We learned more about it and came across a very interesting pin, but over time, it diminished. However, my wife and I never abandoned our dreams. We knew that traditional employment only rocked us and kept us content in the same place.
In December 2017, what we called the opportunity we had been waiting for entered our lives, with an EXTRAORDINARY, SEXY, and UNIQUE product: The Club. On January 6, 2018, I met the helmsman of this Great Club for the first time, and in unison with my wife, we said, «This is where we stay!» Because his message came from his inner being. We felt blessed and incredibly grateful for this unique and wonderful opportunity that presented itself to us. Today, my organization has expanded to more than 50 countries worldwide, and dozens continue to experience and consume our product: Traveling on Luxury Cruises with tremendous discounts and, in the best case, for FREE!